
The contract of love.🤝👩‍❤️‍👨🏀 🏎️🎼

Contract signing is one of the most challenging decision a player makes in his career. May it be F1, football or NBA a players bets his future and trust on a team. It is true that players and drivers try to do their due research before signing for any team but it's almost impossible to know what the future holds for them! Lets take a few examples from different sports to make my point clear. Fernando Alonso won his first world championship in 2005 becoming the youngest ever driver to achieve the feat at that time. He did so by battling against a vastly superior McLaren MP4-20 designed by one of the greatest minds in F1 Adrian Newey. The Mclaren was not only faster in a straight line but you could also carry greater corner speed and yet Renault won both the drivers and constructors championship that year because their cars had one fatal issue- Reliability.  Fernando went on to win another consecutive championship with Renault in 2006 by beating the superior mclaren with 2 excellent

Appreciate Ti~In Praise of you

Sun Feb 12- Hello there reader! After being continuously pestered by my peers I finally decided to start my blog post. Well if this is the first article you are reading on this small blog let me help you explain the rational behind the name of this website. Ever since i was a child I have been fascinated by motor racing. It didn't matter if it was bike, car or truck racing as long as it had an engine I would watch it in Awe. And today 28 years later nothing has changed there is something about the engine noise and speed that still gives me the tingles! No matter how hard I try I somehow manage to fit motorsports into the conversation! With this in mind let's begin the first blog of this small space which is in written in appreciation of you the reader! didn't make sense? allow me. I believe we can start our day in 2 ways 1) Early riser and methodical. 2)Snoozer and master of chaos. No matter which type of person you are, as soon as the day begins your battle against the clo