Appreciate Ti~In Praise of you

Sun Feb 12- Hello there reader! After being continuously pestered by my peers I finally decided to start my blog post. Well if this is the first article you are reading on this small blog let me help you explain the rational behind the name of this website.

Ever since i was a child I have been fascinated by motor racing. It didn't matter if it was bike, car or truck racing as long as it had an engine I would watch it in Awe. And today 28 years later nothing has changed there is something about the engine noise and speed that still gives me the tingles! No matter how hard I try I somehow manage to fit motorsports into the conversation!

With this in mind let's begin the first blog of this small space which is in written in appreciation of you the reader! didn't make sense? allow me.

I believe we can start our day in 2 ways

1) Early riser and methodical.
2)Snoozer and master of chaos.

No matter which type of person you are, as soon as the day begins your battle against the clock starts. If you wake up early and strategise your morning routine properly you will flow through your schedule like F1 car through a dry track and if you are the latter (like me) your day will be similar to an F1 car on slicks on a wet track!

You see how even your morning routine you somehow unknowingly incorporate elements of being a race car driver. Each one of us running their own little race. Some are in for the long haul like Le Mans some are for the sprint races, no matter the distance we all have a racer within us.

But unlike all the drivers and riders that get attention on a global or national scale for their hardwork our lives seem to get lost in the chaos. So why not spend some time appreciating yourself?

We all have our own technical or mechanical problems big or small, that impact our race. Some of us could be like be Williams in their earlier days, where we dont't have the big budget to kick start our dreams. Where we stand in our own little telephone booth and run pillar to post to get some sponsors just to build a car, let alone race one! And because we are so caught up in assembling the basics we don't get an opportunity to enjoy the journey that is life! After all we are still humans, aren't we?

In my life so far I have come across some exceptional human beings who have gone through a great deal of struggle to reach where they are. May it be competing to get adequate resources or sprinting to meet the expectations, somewhere in this qualifying we get lost and fail to appreciate ourselves.

Even in real races the goal is not to always win the race sometimes it is to qualify, sometimes it is to finish in points, sometimes it to just reach the podium! And it's really important for us to appreciate our little achievements in our pursuits of becoming a world champ!

Sometimes you will feel that your development is not heading in the right direction but you will still continue your pursuit, afterall each race will give you important data for the next season!

There are various stories of various riders or drivers who were forced into early retirement because of reasons beyond their control.

Let's take example of Jenson button, the young brit who made his F1 debut with Williams racing in the year 2000. He was not considered the brightest prospects in the world of racing but was still out there on the track ready to race. His early journey in F1 was anything but smooth,  although he started for Williams he was unaware about the fact that he was being compared to someone who was far more experienced than him (Juan Pablo) and the second his performance dipped he was shown the door without any hesitation. He was then picked up by Benetton who was later rebranded as Renault racing with Briatore as their team principle. Although this time he showed some promising results his team manager replaced with their rookie test driver (Alonso) sucks right? He was then shipped to BAR which was later acquired by Honda in 2003 as their 'upcoming talent' and upcoming he was as in his subsequent seasons he achieved great success with multiple podium finishes. With his new found success he tried to change teams from Honda to Williams however his aspirations were short lived as contract dispute prevented him from doing the same. At this point you could say that he really didn't have much say in journey even though he was putting in all the hard work he was faced with unfair comparisons to experienced drivers, tough team principles and contract disputes.
But little did he know that his world would come crashing down in 2008 post season when Honda suddenly announced their departure from F1. Leaving Jenson button essentially unemployed! Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse his nagging back issues came back to haunt him again.
In a matter of days he went from being part of a premium F1 team to a driver with no car. He reached some of his lowest moments in his life during that offseason but little did he know that there was a person named Ross Brawn working behind the scenes to make his own F1 team called brawn GP. Jenson immediately jumped on the wagon and signed a very low contract with the team. Oh lets not forget that he was to share the pits with someone by the name of Rubens.. The Legendary Rubens who managed to beat a prime Micheal in the same machinery! This alongside the very limited budget of the team made it almost impossible for them to be competitive or did it ? That very year brawn became the first and only rookie team to win the constructors championship and a little brit by the name of Jenson button became the 2009 world champion!! who would have ever known!

Now coming back to our real lives for a second..some of you might have been able to relate to this story a little bit, may it be your job struggles, unfair comparisons, horrible bosses or even being employed you might think the odds are stacked up against you. But to all of you, remember you never know when your "Mr Brawn" will come to change the trajectory of your life for good! But during this time please do not forget to appreciate yourself and enjoy the little pleasures of life! Remember life is what you make of it so why not make it fun? Why not go out and try something new? Why not meet your loved ones and spend time with them, after all those will be the only people who will stick by your journey to becoming a world champion!

My point being learn to appreciate yourself and your achievements! It doesn't matter if they are big or small, you still managed to achieve something! Believe in yourself and your abilities even if the world or Briatore don't believe in you. You might be kicked down or fired and be troubled with health issues/ injuries but in the end if you are fighting you are, in a way, winning! You are winning by standing up, you are winning by working towards your health or finding a way around your injuries. So yes, you are still a winner so reward yourself by taking a break and looking back at all the things you have done as an individual that have got you this far in your life! Despite all the problems you are still fighting every day! You my friend are champion in your own right! so be proud and appreciate the good instead of repenting over the bad. Love supporters instead of dwelling on haters.

In the olden times Indian poets used to write poems in appreciation for their rulers. 

Consider this as an ode to you my champ! Consider this my appreciate~ ti for you.

Until next time..


  1. Now this is something....Wow❤...You finally blogged and I am so happy...The way you have connected racing with how we race through our personal lives has my heart totally!! Way to go my boy!!👏 Just the beginning....continue writing will motivate me the most believe me...I am very happy and impressed!!👏🙌
    Welcome to blogging Mr. Sharma!🤩❤

  2. It was fun reading your blog
    Got to learn something new
    Keep writing

  3. Wonderful thoughts. Summarise in very good manner. 👏👏

  4. Wow.. You should consider giving a Ted talk someday 👏


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